AR Snake


  • 首先保存打印以下地址的图片作为追踪对象:


  • 进入游戏后,可以看到背景为相机图像,尝试用相机捕捉UCSB的LOGO。

  • 当检测到LOGO后,开始游戏按钮会出现,即可开始游戏。

  • 若游戏过程中 LOGO丢失,则游戏复位至开始菜单。


  • Download and print the target from the following page:

    Tracking Target DOWNLOAD

  • After entering the game, try to use the phone camera to detect the Logo in a CERTAIN DISTANCE.

  • When the Target is detected, the start game button will appear and you can proceed.

  • If the target is lost during the game, the game will reset and return to start menu.

Designed by Boning Dong & Yini Wang

ECE-150 Project, University of California, Santa Barbara